Jean Anderson Memorial Bible Award
He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. John 14:21

Jean Anderson came to Augustine Christian Academy in 1998 as a single mother seeking a school that would challenge her sons academically but from a clearly Christian perspective. Jean’s life had been radically changed as a young girl when she encountered Christ through His Word. She made a study of the Scriptures a daily exercise often rising at 4:30 a.m.. to make sure she had time to study her Bible. It was the basis of her Christian walk throughout her life.
Jean desired to find in ACA a school that would support and continue the Bible-centered learning she brought to her sons at home. Throughout the time her sons, Greg and Jeff, attended ACA and long after their graduations, Jean was supportive not only as a parent, but as a prayer warrior and intercessor for the school. She gave sacrificially to ACA even when it was difficult for her to do so.
Jean Anderson is with the Lord now, but her legacy to her sons and all those who knew her was a love for Christ and a hunger for His Word. The Jean Anderson Memorial Bible Award is designed to honor this woman of God while encouraging young people at ACA to increase their love for the Lord through a study of His Word.
The Jean Anderson Memorial Bible award is open to all ACA high school students.
Each year in March, students in the School of Rhetoric are given the opportunity to take a written Bible literacy test to demonstrate what they have learned from the Bible through their studies at church, at school, and on their own. Jean’s son, Greg Anderson, who recently completed his Masters Degree in Divinity from Dallas Theological Seminary, wrote the test questions. The ACA student earning the highest test score will be awarded a new copy of the Scriptures engraved with his or her name and a $300 ACA Scholarship that can be used for tuition, field trips, House wear, or lunch ledger. The name of the winner is announced in April, and the student's name is placed on a special perpetual plaque on display in the school's front lobby.
The Bible Literacy Test consists of 50 short-answer questions based upon general Bible knowledge, and one essay question designed to demonstrate the student’s understanding of major Biblical concepts. Students must answer the questions within the hour and without the use of a Bible or any other aids.
Each of the short answer questions scores one point for a correct answer and the essay answer can earn up to 10 points based upon Biblical accuracy, persuasiveness of the argument, and the absence of grammatical and mechanical errors. There are different versions of the test.
Sample Short Answer Questions:
“Who was the oldest living man?”
“What New Testament books were written by the Apostle John?”
“What two men were called the Sons Thunder?”
Sample Essay Questions:
“How would you use the scriptures to counsel someone who hopes his good works will get him into heaven?”
“What does God say is the duty of man? What are some ways you would fulfill that duty at this state of your life?”